
What is Vastu?

We generally keep mum to the answer of this question. Therefore, the need is to create awareness among the masses about this multi-beneficial vedic science. A clear understanding of this subject will enable us to benefit from the spiritual experience of Vedic sages over the years and live a life of comfort and peace. It is worth mentioning that apart from several Asian countries like China, Thailand and Singapore, etc., the principles of ‘Vastu’ are being practised in various other developed western countries as well. Vastu Shastra is not merely a baseless myth but it is a scientific axiom which strikes a maximum equilibrium among the ‘five elements’ and shows the way to keep them, as far as possible in balance. It is based on the gravitational force, magnetic force, air & water streams, electric currents effect of environment, effect of solar rays, significance of directions, etc.

Our wise sages laid down the principles of Vedas millenniums ago. One part of the ‘Atharwa-Ved’, dealing with architecture, was the first treatise on Vastu-Shashtra. Certain basic principles have been derived from the ‘Rig-Ved’ also. According to the Indian Philosophy, every particle is a part of the Universe, and therefore, is affected by unseen universal forces. In Vedic epics, construction of ones own house was supposed to be a religious act. ‘Yagya’ and the rituals were conducted in the course of construction to bring about good luck and success. Construction of one’s own house is fullfilment of four ‘Purusharthas’.

There are also a lot of similarities between Vastu and its Chinese counterpart Feng Shui in that they recognize the existence of positive and negative forces (Yin and Yang) except for the fact that the latter attaches too much importance to gadgets, like fish tanks, flutes, mirrors and lanterns. This is one reason why Fend Shui is gaining rapid popularity in India.

Construction of a building was regarded as a disturbance to the Natural environment. Vastu Shashtra shows us the way to strike uniformity with nature. It is this uniformity on the basis of which we are able to obtain the practical energy of Universal forces and lead a life of peace and concentration, which brings about prosperity and success. Our existence comprises of the five elements. It is evident that our body is also based on the five elements. The significant aim of Vastu-Shashtra is to establish a positive balance between the nature and our body & mind by construction of a building. Modern Medical Scientists undoubtedly agree that by keeping one’s head towards south, his/her blood pressure remains normal and he/she gets sound sleep. This is the principle of Vastu-Shashtra. The magnetic currents of the earth move towards the North Pole and if the head is towards North Pole, the magnetic circuit will not be completed and will cause repulsion. As a result, concentration will not be possible. Around the body of every living human being there is a natural AURA, which is known as ‘Bio-Electro-Magnetic Field’. We should make it more effective and powerful.

Principles of Vastu-Shashtra have been there in every ancient civilization. The specialists adjust them to suit the direction of wind and magnetic effects of their environment. Architect Prof. Talbore Hemlin has described, with the aid of pictures and diagrams the architecture and the principle of Vastu relating to Roman, Greek, Japanese, Eqyptian, East and West Asia, Islamic and Christian civilization, in more than 700 pages of his book, “Architecture through the Ages”. On account of the Principles of Vastu, the construction of the Pyramids of Egypt has not been affected by time.

In modern times, Indian Vastu-Shashtra and Chinese Vastu-Shashtra, known as Feng- Sui, are most prevalent and recognised by Scientists. In matters of interior decoration the congruence of Vastu-Shashtra with Feng-Sui produces a surprising positive effect.

Scientists are undertaking effective research in this field. Dr. J. N. Pandey of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, in his research has proved the principles of Vedic Architecture on the basis of the effects of bones lying underneath the ground of the house. A scientist of Ohio State University, Dr. Hari Sharma has established the scientific truth of the various principles relating to the health of the body and mind on the basis of Vastu-Shashtra. Dr. Tony Adunadar, internationally reputed scientist of Lebanon has proved in a definite way, on the basis of the established Vedic elements of the body, as to how arteries and veins of brain, body and heart vibrate and are stimulated in agreement with Vastu-Shashtra. Intensive research work is being conducted in India as well as abroad on the basis of ancient treatises of Vastu-Shashtra.

Morris Schidler, architect of U.S.A. built the new residence of the non-resident Indian, Mr. Kirit Patel on the 20th January, 1995. He was guided by the principles of the architectural Ved found in our Atharva Ved. He says that this phenomenon caused a divine spiritual experience in him. Kirit Patel says that he now feels hunger in the dining room and gets a feeling of wonderful satisfaction after meal. Similarly in the drawing room feelings of groupism, people’s welfare and mass contact are excited. In the study room, memory and intelligence are sharpened and the consciousness of wisdom is elevated. In the bed room, a sense of rest, which is definitely peaceful, emerges. In the worship place situated in the north-east, the heart is filled with faith and devotion which give supreme delight.

Even Lord Rama had built his hut in Panchwati according to the principles of Vastu-Shashtra. In ‘Dwapar Era’ the golden city of Dwarka was constructed as per Vastu Shashtra and was ultimately submerged under the sea as Lord Krishna desired. Most of the city of Hong Kong has also been constructed on this principle. Even the modern palatial building of Micheal Jackson is also based on this principle.

James Ferguson has clearly quoted in his book “History of Indian & Eastern Architecture” – ‘Architect’ is still a living art in India. It was intensively developed in Europe during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Today ‘Architecture’ is being practised in Europe in a very inconsistent and unusual way…. Those, who have observed the blunders and failures of the educated and meritorious architectural geniuses of Europe, can very well guess, on the basis of the study of Indian versions, that such results were bound to occur. The special feature of the Indian Vedic Kala is its spiritual aspect”. In the life of a person, the significance of stars and planets cannot be denied. But that is pre-destined. It is also certain that by living in a campus designed in accordance with the principles of Vastu, we can bring about uniformity in our stars and planets with our Purusharth (Positive efforts) to a certain extent. In any case, the evil effects of the stars and planets can be minimised. If the stars and planets of a person are weak and he is living in a house (of his own or on rent) with Vastu maladies, the following problems will be there as laid down by various Shashtras :-

  • The atmosphere of happiness does not exist in the house. Tension and clashes persist. There are always differences among the husband, wife and children.

  • Sons and daughters indulge in indiscipline and immoral conduct.

  • Litigation and ailments are constantly there.

  • On account of the defective north-east direction lineal generation comes to an end, or handicapped issues are born. Untimely death of a son is also a possibility. The atmosphere of education is no longer there.

  • The person often gets inclined to commit suicide.

  • Obstacles created by Government are always there and the person gets involved in Government punishments.

  • The income is less than the expenditure. Due to excessive expenditure the person is always in deep debts.

  • The person always suffers from inferiority complex and is never able to attain a good reputation.

  • The incidence of thefts and dacoities as well as unexpected calamities such as fire, crumbling of a wall or balcony, etc. are always a possibility.

  • There are always clashes with neighbours and near relatives. The person becomes irritative and angry.

  • There is the possibility of even untimely death.

These troubles can also occur on account of the factories, shops and office etc. being blemished.

Environment in accordance with the principles of Vastu-Shashtra definitely confers benefit because the limited piece of land tries to establish practical congruity after being converted to and adjusted with the unlimited power of the Universe. Yet the effect of stars and destiny of the landlord can be reduced or increased by the Vastu environment. This is also certain as the Sun, Earth, Air, Water and Sky do not discriminate for or against any caste, religion or community, the principles of Indian ‘Vastu-Shashtra’ benefit the entire humanity irrespective of religion, community and caste. The resident of a house may be a tenant but the Vastu-defects will certainly affect him adversely.

When Should we consult a Vastu-Shashtri ?

As a matter of fact, it is best to consult a Vastu-Shashtri before purchasing a piece of Land. If however, the Land has been acquired, it is advisable to consult him before digging/performing of Bhumi-Poojan. It is very essential to get the site of boring decided by the Vastu-Shashtri. Compliance of the Vastu-Principles becomes very difficult after the foundations have been filled in.

The defects of Vastu can be removed to some extent in the already constructed building by changing the arrangement of interior decoration and shifting furniture and heavy belongings. In addition to this, vastu defects can be removed by installing lively ‘Vastu-Yantra’, ‘Yantra for directional defects’ and ‘shaman-yantra’ after worshipping. According to saints, spirituality starts where science ends. By this we can save ourselves from subjective adjustments, though sometimes compulsive directions are to be given.