


On the basis of my prolonged experience I have come across to know that the dwellers are suffering innumerable hardships, despite the home was fully constructed according to the norms prescribed in vastu.
I have noticed that the ratio of ill-effects being suffered by dwellers is relatively quite exorbitant as compared to slight discrepancies in a home. It is insignificant to analyse the prosperity and sufferings of the dwellers on the basis of the principle of Vastu. Sometimes it is observed that the person inadvertently get implicated in evolving Vastudosh by ensuring new construction. Homes being constructed to these places are obsessed adn thereby, termed as ‘obsessed Vastu’. It is strange to hold discussion in view of the existence of souls, but their dominion cannot be ignored, even today in this scientific era. Many a time we experience their existence in a minute form. Such circumstances are mainly associated to tracts. Incase, if home had however, been constructed on such tracts, then these invisible minute forces begin to effect the dweller. Sometimes, I have also noticed that the negative force never  shows its effect from the ground level, but no sooner does a building is constructed on it, such unwanted negative minute forces use to penetrate due to certain untoward occurrences.   
This is a eight floor building after being fully constructed got entangled into certain controversies. As a result, no one ever approached to reside in it, after a prolonged period of twelve years. Being located at the heart of the U.P. Capital, the building is still abandoned.
History of Tract: It is our humble request to the readers that they should minutely carry out the process of investigating the sanctity of tracts being purchased for the purpose of home, Industrial unit or commercial point. Atleast, the purchaser should acquire thorough information for the past  200 years of the tract. However, if it is difficult, then a history of a minimum ten decades regarding the aforesaid tract should essentially be obtained. It is to be confirmed that, earlier  there  would have been no cremating center or graveyard on that tract. Besides, a place of worship, being earlier situated however, suppressed beneath the tract, due to earthquake or any other natural calamities, seems to be detrimental. Purchase of land or tract, where massive toll in a large scale occurred due to certain accidents, should also be avoided. It is also cautioned that the task for construction of building should not be accomplished on a inhabited area of an old temple, which has presently turned into ruins. Moreover, homes should not even be built there. One more relevant perspective is that we should seriously ponder over the history of the tract/land specifically where river are being flowing and earlier remain a surface for rivulets and canals, while purchasing, it, as the matter of fact vulnerability of obsessed Vastu is more at such places.

A True Experience :

I have been opportunist to get interacted with many experiences and closely witnessed such situations. A true incident occurred eight years ago pertaining to a house of an administrative officer will certainly corroborate it.
It happened so, that  the labourers engaged to the task of its construction, gradually get absconded, irrespective of any specific reason, though the owner being financially sound ensure timely payment to them. During the course of construction, a six year old baby of a labourer working near the underground water storage, died by drowning in the water. Any how that house was constructed and his family begin to reside and eventually, the family had to confront with enormous distress no sooner did they entered in the house. And the extent of their grievances rose to such a height that whenever the owner visit to any relative house accompanying his wife he felt quite relaxed and happy and contrarily, they get victimised to certain disease no sooner did they enter that home. His husband use to spent his maximum time, feels suffocated while returning to home. I have inspected the energy level and found it in a exuberant negative position, which was indicating towards the presence of minute forces tend to generate sorrows. While holding discussion in this context, a very important fact came to my notice that the owner the then V. C. of the Development Authority. The tract which he occupied lies in corner and was situated in a posh colony, comprising of 4-5 graves. Therefore, Development Authority adorning it an affiliation of  shrine, prohibited its sale. But as the owner was the senior officer of that department acquired that land by hook or crook. A particular community raised massive resentment and stage dharna against this irreligious deed, but every resentment resulted futile. Finally, that officer executed the process of constructing his home on that tract. And now after suffering innumerable distress and sorrows, he called me. After making thorough investigation of every nook and corner of the home I resorted to a conclusion that no amelioration could be done to that home. And advised them to sell that house for getting rid of all kind of Vastudosh. And thus, they soon sold that home and they are happily leading their life in a new home, at present.
The other incident I am narrating also reflects the presence of the obsessed Vastu. Few months back I went to see a small but a beautiful house. That house was entirely equipped with  the norms illustrated in Vastu, i.e. its kitchen was lying in Agneya Kon, bedroom in southern quarter, place of worship built in Ishan side, staircase in Nairatya area. Its main gate was located towards Vayavya quarter. The latrine in that home was also built almost at proper place i.e. in Vayavya quarter. And presence of minute Vastu dosh were rather not so detrimental. On making assessment, presence of negative energy level was unprecedentedly found over there. This situation has clearly indicated that the home was trapped by obsessed  Vastu. Again I decided to minutely analyse the energy and the level of energy present in various parts. I was astonished to know that  the level of negative energy was highly present at the place of worship located in Ishan quarter.
Thus, the entire area was entirely obsessed, as the people tend to worship in it, often loose their concentration and prefer to leave that place. A young lady, being the owner of the house, aging  32 years, often feels presence of someone in her bedroom. Sometimes she hears his breathing and occasionally, she feel as if someone was present there and now being leaving that room.