
Few Vastu Tips

The Vastu Shastra is the Vedic science of building. The study of Vastu Shastra creates an awareness about how to build houses and building so that the surroundings and environment may bring happiness and satisfaction in life. The Vastu Shastra considers the astrological placement of the Sun, Earth, and other planets during the actual construction. It also considers where the building site is located, the site shape, the proposed building shape, the direction of the building, location of gates, entry doors, room doors, windows, and the general design. North and east are considered important directions east because it is the direction from which the sun rises. How Vastu Works In Vastu, three principles of design cover the entire field of design, be it a building, craft item or article of daily use.

Bhogadyam: The designed product must be useful, lend itself to easy application.

Sukha Darsham: The designed product must be aesthetically pleasing. The proportions of the spaces and material shape should affect the viewer in a positive manner.

Ramya: The designed product must be capable of evoking a feeling of well-being and contentment in its user. ORIENTATION Geographical directions play a very significant part in the design of individual buildings and group housing. Many mythological stories speak of the hero walking to the east to find a teacher, running to the south to confront death, setting off toward the west in search of adventure, or walking to the north to become a healer. The physical environment affects human inhabitants in a direct manner.

Effects of shape of the House

RectangularAll round prosperity
Square (Four equal sides)Gain of wealth
BhadrasanSuccess in life
CircularGrowth of Knowledge and Health
Wheel shapedBrings Poverty
Four (unequal) sidesTroublesome
TriangularHarassment from rulers (Govt. etc.)
Cart shaped Causes diseases, danger of fire, punishment, loss of wealth
Beam shapedHarmful for cattle
PanavakarHarmful for eyes and for house
Drum (Mridang) shapeHarmful for women, loss of females
VrihanmukhakarLoss of family members/brothers

Fan shaped

Loss of money and cattle
Koorm PrashthakarUntimely death, murder, imprisonment
Winnow shapedLoss of property
Bow ShapedMany difficulties; theft and fear of enemies
HexagonalBrings progress and growth
Elliptical (egg Shaped)Loss in many ways
SinghmukhakarMonetary loss, clashes in family and mental tension
GaumukhakarPeaceful; growth of progeny

Defects of Directions  

Defects of directions and their ill-effect

1. East direction
As you are aware, the King of Gods, Indra is supposed to be having his hold on east direction The planet Surya represents it. Any Vastu defects in the east direction may lead to the following problems:

If you have raised eastern portion in a house, that will take wealth and prosperity away from you and your offspring would be of poor IQ. Having routine health problems regularly, he would be surrounded with newer diseases every day.
If your house is facing towards east the boundary wall should not be too high. A high wall may lead to various problems. If the eastern part is unhygienic and debris remains dumped over there, please note that your own children will not obey you, leading to mental agony.

If you have constructed a raised platform in the east, it would result in differences between you and your wife. Family feud will lead to restlessness of mind and lack of peace in the house.

If there happens to be a toilet in the east, it may lead to loss of offspring, money, downfall in business, etc. If there is bedroom in the east, health related problems are bound to pinch you. Your wife may have to suffer from a serious disease. A store in the east brings in financial losses to the business. You or your elder son may have to face health related problems. You may have to face disappointment at government level. A staircase in the east also leads to losses in business. It may obstruct any further birth in the family.

A kitchen in the east although brings in the gift of a son for you, but your son would be stubborn and hot-tempered.

A water tank on the roof in the east may lead to poverty, disrespect, loss of offspring, or delay in getting a son, and a virtual downfall. The children may fall in wrong society.   A guest room in the east results in laziness of house owner.  

A study room in the east, however, yields normal results, neither is it too bad nor too beneficial.

2. West direction
Need not tell you that the direction in which the sun uses to set in is known as west. Varun Dev is the wholesole of this direction and this direction affects the element air. The planet Saturn represents it. Defects in this direction may cause several problems to you.

If main entrance of your house happens to be in the west, it is not a good sign. It adversely affects income, and always is there possibility of ill health. If there is a crack in the western wall, your income will certainly remain disturbed. If main entrance is on the west and entry point is not at an auspicious site, the relation between you and your son would not be sweet, or you will be having more daughters than sons, or the loss of sons, downfall in your reputation and you may have to face the ire of the government. If the house is situated on the west and is lower than the east, disrespect and defamation may haunt you. Expenditure would be high and income low.

A bathroom in the west may lead to mental tension. A bedroom in this direction may lessen opportunity to live with your wife, may be because of frequent travels or due to posting in another city. A bedroom for the second son is good at this place but the house owner should not sleep in it. A place of worship in the west is never fruitful to business. Many hurdles may come on your way, besides the tag of more expenditure than income.

Even good deeds done by you will help defame you. If you have constructed a temple inside the house in this direction, it will lead to poverty. If the door of the place of worship is towards west direction and stairs are descending towards west, you will have to face the problem of loans and the threat of penal punishment looms large over your head.

A kitchen in the west leads to shortage of funds. Several hurdles on way to collecting money and this money will not stay with you for long. This leads to differences in the family and women begin to rule over family. Summer diseases, bile problem, and piles may inflict the family members. This is because of joint effect of Shani and Mangal planets.

If west wall is higher than the east wall, more daughters may take birth than the sons. There could be disrespect and financial losses, if verandah and land on the west is lower. You may have to face problems following you fall victim to an untoward incident. If less open space is available in the east than in west, you are always at a risk of loss of son at an early age. If rain water drains out in the west, then male members may have to suffer from chronic diseases with a rare chance of recovery.  If the door in the west is facing Naitritya, then always there is possibility of chronic disease, untimely death, financial losses, etc. If the door has been installed in the Vayavya in the west, legal dispute will make your life miserable, wasting money. Entrance can be given at a particular site in Vayavya, but for that an able Vastu expert should be consulted.

Defects of directions and their ill-effect

3. Defects of North direction
Kuber has great influence on North direction. This direction has its influence on the health of housewife and on the financial condition of the house owner. If the platform in the east is higher than the central area of the building, you may have to face monetary problems. The condition of ‘more expenditure than income’ persists, leading ultimately to the condition of indebtedness. If no empty space has been left in the north, rather it has been provided in the south, then certainly you will have to face monetary losses and losses in business. Your wife may suffer from prolonged illness or even she may die.
If the northern part is highest, wealth of the family will go down the drain gradually, and female members in the family will suffer from illnesses. If you have given a door in the Vayavya in the house built towards north, you are always at a risk of theft and fire. Theft of the kind that you will lose money and you will not come to know of it.
If in the north waste and useless items have been dumped, it may obstruct the fortune to show any favour to you. If you have constructed a kitchen in the north, then you will have to face the problems of restlessness, mental tension, hurdles in getting a son, incapability of your sons, defeat by rivals, loss of money. Besides all this, your wife may have to die an untimely death.
Constructing a kitchen in the north means family feud and bickerings between husband and wife, expenses on kitchen cross all barriers. A narrow gallery in the north weakens the luck of family members, and only toiling hard brings them success. A store room in the north will make you poor, you will land in financial trouble, indebtedness, business   also witnesses a down trend.
If a toilet has been constructed in the north, loss of money is imminent. If this toilet happens to be on the north-west border line then its ill effects are minimized. If you have constructed staircase in the north and they touch the northern wall, descending towards south, you may suffer from prolonged illness. Losses in business, daughter may fall widow, financial crisis, your relation with your brother living in the same building go sour, are other resultant factors.  If the brother leaves the place then the relations will improve. If the floor of the toilet constructed in the north is higher than courtyard, your wife will have to suffer from illnesses. If the northern corner is split or grooved inside, lack of enthusiasm and vital energy, frustration, sexual inability, diseases related to kidney and gall bladder etc are the menaces one has to face. An overhead water tank in the north will certainly make you poor, although gradually.                              

4. Defects of South direction
Yamraj, the God of death, is supposed to be governing all the affairs in south direction. He holds specific place among the sons of Sun, the king of planets. If good and bad effects of south direction are not taken into consideration, one has to face several odds in his life.
If southern part of your building is low-lying or is having a slope, or the floor of the rooms in south is lower than those in the north, and the dais constructed in south is lower than courtyard, you will have to face serious illnesses for long. Even there is possibility of untimely death. You may have to face losses in business and ill health. Shortage of money, indebtedness, poverty may hit you. If once you fall victim to the indebtedness, it is very difficult to overcome it. It there happens to be a well or a hand pump in this direction, that is an inauspicious sign for you. Happiness will keep distance from you and your life would get spoiled. If vacant land in south is more than the north, you may have to face unexpected loss of money, family feud, poverty and prolong diseases will inflict you.
If you have built a library or a study room in the south, it is not good for your child. He may not take much interest in studies and will not concentrate. If there happens to be much open land in south, your wife and other women members in the house will remain sick. Owing to ill health depression develops. If there happens to be worship room in the south, internal bickering in the family, financial crisis, and liver-related diseases are the nearest possibilities. Some specific circumstances may adversely affect your business too.
Portico in the south may lead to frequent snags into the motor vehicles. There would be least use of vehicles while they will require something on the maintenance, regularly. A verandah or a balcony in the south may take mental peace away from you and you turn quarrelsome. Enmity develops among women members of the family and they suffer from physical ailments.
A bathroom in the south leads to family bickering and your wife may suffer from physical and mental ailments. You will remain surrounded in financial problems. It is not fair for you to construct an underground water tank or basement in the south. It leads to monetary losses and your wife will remain sick. Even the possibility of untimely death can’t be ruled out. If the doors of the rooms constructed in the south face Naitratya angle, family members will remain sick. If the door of the house is in Agneya, enemies will increase in your life. You may have to face legal battle, too.
If there is road towards south and that is lower than those in the east and north, your financial condition will never be satisfactory. Several times you may have to face financial crisis in the lifetime.
Your wife will not remain physically fit. If southern portion of your house is extending outward, rage of anger will rule. Your wife would be egoistic. Due to excessive labour your health will not be good and your sons will remain in problems. Your friends may harm you. The business you adopt brings laurel to you, but monetary profits may not be there. Family women use to hide money from you.

If your bedroom is in south, do not sleep with your feet towards south. As per Indian ideology dead body of a person is kept in the south. If you sleep by keeping feet towards south, you may not experience sound sleep. Ill thoughts and bad dreams come to you. Sometimes you feel heavy chest with rise in mental diseases.